
Thursday, June 27, 2013


I try not to be too preachy, but here I have a rant: There is no excuse for a presenter to 1.) be late, or 2.) run long. I have seen both this week. 

Get to the venue early. Communicate thoroughly to the event coordinator at all times. Make sure they know where you are, when you will arrive, and when you're there. I saw a complete meltdown of an event coordinator this week because the speaker was missing until 20 minutes after the start time.

Stay within your allotted time. If you've prepared and practiced in advance you should be able to fit comfortably within your time limit. It's respectful to your audience, the event coordinator, and whoever comes after you on the program. I've seen this happen more than once. A half hour presentation runs 45 minutes and everyone following that presentation is scrambling to make up time.

People are pretty forgiving. If you misspeak or forget where you are in your presentation or pronounce something wrong everyone will get over it. But being late and running long are inexcusable.


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