
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Start with the Basics

No matter if you are speaking to a small work group, leading a Sunday School class, or speaking to an auditorium full of people some of the same tips apply. In order to communicate effectively:

  • Stand up. Almost no one has ever given a compelling speech from a seated position. Even if you are just answering a question or giving a brief update always stand. Why? From a seated position a portion of your audience may not be able to see you and hear you. Stand. And if you can move to the center of the room.
  • Lean forward. They teach you to do this in theater. Put one foot behind and another in front and lean onto your front foot. Why? It makes you look engaged, eager, and enthusiastic.
  • Put a smile in your voice. Telephone salespeople are encouraged to put a mirror next to the phone and smile at their reflection before they pick up the phone. People can hear the smile in your voice. Everyone prefers listening to a presenter who is happy to be here.
  • What do you do with your hands? Play with your rings. Get your hands up waist high. Hold them across where your belt is...and busy them by slowly moving the rings on your other hand. Why? It gives your hands something to do that isn't distracting and it keeps your hands up in the 'communication zone' above your waist where you can easily gesture.
  • Speak with enthusiasm. If you're not enthused about your subject how can you expect your audience to be? How does your audience know you are enthused? They can hear it in your delivery. Dry flat uninteresting delivery signals to the audience that you don't care and then why should they?


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