
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Watch how this is done right

One of my favorite ways to learn presentation skills is to watch TedTalks. TedTalks take tremendous discipline. They are short...under 18 minutes. And during that brief period you are expected to teach us something big, something important. Most people just stand and deliver; few if any PowerPoints. Seldom use of props. No handouts or leave behinds. Just talk. As you watch this example note a few things; Shawn starts midway into a story. You are there with him and his sister on the bunk bed from the opening line. No build up. No weasel words Study the first line. Jump in and grab us in the first thirty seconds. Next note that he is funny. Not because he tells jokes, but the humor arises naturally from his story. Once he identifies his sister as a unicorn he refers to her, even as an adult as a baby unicorn. And because of the discipline of the short time allotted to him, he makes every word count. No time for asides or sloppy language. He tells stories, which understandably take time, but the stories don't detract from the message, they are the message.


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